Monday, August 12, 2013

Week in Training

Week in Training:

Well, in general it was a tough week. About half the volume of my peak for IMLP, but a lot of it was at sprint pace and this is the time of year where I start losing steam a bit. (I start my training season on January 1st.)

So without further ado, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good:

  • Did my longest swim (2K) since Tinman last night and DIDN'T die. (Yes, my swim volume has been THAT low.)
  • This is probably worthy of its own log entry, but set ANOTHER PR at the Mini-Tri at Monday. Granted, most of that was from the swim actually being the correct length this week (biked a little slower, ran a little faster), but I'll take it. I was hoping to just break 1:20 this year, but my official PR is now 1:18:03. Yes, KNOCKING ON THE DOOR OF 1:17. CRAZY. I'll be looking for those four seconds at tonight's Mini-Tri, the last of the year.
The Bad:
  • Tuesday's 45 minute swim left me very tired, which is pathetic.
  • My 9 mile tempo run was quite slow thanks to completely fried legs from all of the hard biking I've been doing.
The Ugly:
  • Had a good ole-fashioned meltdown at the lake, after getting out and giving up 34 minutes into a 55-minute swim, tears and all.
  • Got the bejesus scared out of me by the most insane crosswinds I've ever dealt with on my bike in my life and ended up cutting the bike portion of Saturday's brick short.
So yes, the very uneven training I tend to have this time of year. Hopefully this week will go better.

1 comment:

Darin Armstrong said...

From: Darin Armstrong #TeamLIVESTRONG

Hello Veronica,
Just a quick email to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter that will benefit you. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘ANYTIME’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners #Marathoners #FitnessProfessionals who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned for support…Over 41K folks at your access...) I am currently following you now and am awaiting your follow-back...

All the very best for the rest of 2013 & beyond Veronica. Look forward to hearing from you…

(PS. Veronica, should you follow back, I'll be mentioning you 'including your website' in my #FollowFriday #Shoutouts this Friday...)
