Friday, January 12, 2007


Well, PhillieFan showed up...8:30 instead of 7:30, but I was still happy. The drywall cracks are really coming around. PhillieFan also said he'll be back tomorrow if Kermit the Kontractor sends him to Lake Placid. (I guess they're working four different job sites right now.)

Work was crazybusy - I'm in the middle of an insane audit. At least it made the day pass quickly, even though I didn't tie up as many loose ends before the weekend as I was hoping to.

It hit 34 today, so I went for a run. Did 5K in 32:22, which isn't bad considering it's been too cold to run since Monday and Karate's been low-key, cardio-wise.

Also got a call from Dr. Z. He made it out of the wilderness and "cheated death once again" as he likes to say. He's started heading home in the pouring rain.

Other than that, it's finishing up work and waiting to hear from IronMom as to whether she's going to Karate tonight or not.

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