Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I've taken the first half of the week very easy with trying to recover from the half-marathon. (Especially with the tendonitis in my hamstrings that just. won't. go. away.)

Monday I took off completely, not even going to Karate. I had had a second night of no sleep on Sunday and just was not up to it.

Yesterday I ran a very easy 5K in 25:47. Every time I felt myself speeding up I eased back down. My legs thanked me. I also went for a low-key lap around the lake with Dr. Z. We didn't even time ourselves - it was more about getting out there and stretching our arms. The season's over anyway.

Today I got a little more serious about getting my speed back. I ran 4 miles in 32:10. It's an 8:03 pace, but it's also the fastest I've run since the Olga 5K aside from one other tempo run.

I AM planning on going to Karate tonight. Hopefully we'll be doing kata. The legs are too sore for sparring and I'm getting tired of bunkai/self-defense.

Not sure about tomorrow - I'll probably run something (Have to ask Dr.Z) and I also have to go to Blue Line because my new shoes with only 200 miles on them already have outsoles that look like they have 600 miles on them. Between that and the blister they gave me in the beginning makes me most unimpressed with these shoes. Boo to you, Saucony!

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