Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone!

Hope all those who celebrated had a wonderful Christmas. Also, happy Hanukah and Kwanzaa to everyone right now. I'd add in a happy Winter Solstice/Yule for the Pagans, but that I'd be pretty late on that.

I had a great time with MomTook and the sisters. I saw Poopsalot, who is an absolute delight and getting huger every day. I received much needed bedding, an iron, a set of canisters, a meat temperature fork (for the New Years Atkins plan), a shirt, a keychain, an iPod dock and neoprene cover (Babysis was in horrors when she found out mine was "naked"), and a Guinness glass. Everyone seemed to like my gifts, which is the true joy of gift exchanges after a certain age. MomTook stuffed us all and sent us home with food. Of course.

So now I'm home and on a vacation of doing nothing. It's wonderful and a good way to prepare for the New Year. That and, you know, not lose my vacation days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Baby Poopsalot".

Wasn't that a '60s doll?